Take Me Back When Record Store
A Business Proposal to Establish A New Nostalgic Music Store
Prepared for
Shelli Smith
Potential Business Partner and Co-Owner
Prepared by
Cindy Johnson
October 11, 2012
Proposal Number: CJ20-01
Table of Contents
Background 4
Objective 4
Goals 4
Proposed Inventory 5
Information Systems Table 6
Information Systems Overview 7
Summary 8
Shelli Smith and Cindy Johnson have been best friends and co-workers for over 30 years. One of their long time passions they’ve shared together over the years is music. Although they have both worked together in the retail industry since they were in high school, Shelli worked mainly in Customer Service while Cindy worked behind the scenes in the office utilizing many different business systems. The intent of this proposal is to create a business that will allow customers to find music from the past before CD’s or internet music were available. In addition, it will provide Shelli with an overview on the various types of information systems that would work well for our small business. After examining the various systems, Shelli and Cindy should be able to select the most appropriate systems to start their business together.
Start up Take Me Back Record Store that will provide customers the opportunity to find music they have loved for years, but cannot find. Our record store will be unique in that it will utilize contacts from all over the world to find rare or unusual musical hits that are hard to find. In addition, we plan to carry a large section of multi-genre vinyl records that are almost extinct due to the CD, MP3, and internet music revolution. Although we will also carry main stream music in all variations – records, CD’s, MP3’s, and downloadable