Information Systems Proposal
October 7, 2013
Information Systems Proposal
The Classic Record Store
Prepared for
The Classic Record Store
Prepared by
The Classic Record Store
Proposal Number: CB-251
Table of Contents Page
Title Page ……………………................................................................................... 1
Introduction ……………………………..................................................................... 2
Types of Organizational Information Systems ….…...................................... 3
Benefits of the Information Systems ………….................................................. 4
Drawbacks of the Information Systems ………............................................... 5
Proposal ………….. ……………………………….......................................................... 6
Closing ………………………………........................................................................... 7
References ………………………………..................................................................... 8 …show more content…
Every customer can use the company software to record and download music to an iPod or an electronic device for easier transportation. Music can also be stored on a desktop or laptop hard drive, a CD Rom and can be transferred from computer to computer for trouble-free mobility. Customer service lines will be set-up to track consumer feedback and to support the business development according to the needs of the consumers. Using a variety of information systems can provide the basics for essential services, new products, and a strategic advantage that will result in higher sales and