Accounting is an information science used to collect, classifies, and manipulates financial data for organization and individuals. Accounting is instrumental within organizati0n as a means of determining financial stability. Accounting are responsible for determining an organization overall wealth, profitable and liquidity.
Without accounting organization would have no basis if foundation upon which daily and long term decisions could be made. The budgets for marketing activities, profit reinvestment, research and development, and company growth all stem from work of accountants. Accounting is one of the oldest and most respected professions in the world, and accounts can be found in every industry from entertainment to medidicine.
Definition of auditing
An audit is the e examination of the financial report of an organization- as presented in the annual report – by someone independent of that organization. The financial report includes sheet, an income statement, a statement, and notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
The purpose of an audit is to form a view on whether the information presented in the financial report, taken as a whole, reflects the financial position of the organization at a given date.
Definition of profession
Occupation, practice, or vocation requiring mastery of a complex set of knowledge and skill through formal education and practical experience. Every organized profession [accounting, law, medicine etc] is governed by its respective professional body. A profession is something a little more that a job it is a carrier for someone that wants to be part of soity who becomes competent in their chosen sector through continuing professional development to be having ethically, to protect the interests of the public.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) is the National Professional Accounting Body of Bangladesh established under