Mindy Frey
University of Phoenix
August 23, 2009
“Biting creates anxiety and stress for all concerned” (Atiles, Stegelin, Long 1997) in a child care setting. This behavior is part sensory integration and motor exploration. It is something that occurs in children under three, mostly in infants and toddlers. Some reasons for biting includes: frustration, lack of confidence, lack of motor development, sensory integration problems, imitation, and teething. “Although there are many possible explanations for biting behavior, the fact remains that it is a practical issue for caregivers, adults, and young children” (Atiles, Stegelin, Long 1997). Parents, caregivers, and other children find biting to be a major ordeal. Reactions when a child bites range from dismissive to overwhelmed. Children that bite are not misbehaving, but simply doing what comes natural to them. “The most important thing to keep in mind is that children have no instinct to attack one another. Children 's primary focus is to explore, learn and play with their friends, family and siblings. Once you pinpoint the reason behind the biting, curbing it is really simple” (Dwyer 2002) “Biting is a very emotional topic for the parents of toddlers and preschoolers. We tend to look at a child who bites with more disdain and perhaps more fear than a child the same age that kicks or hits. There is something wild and animal-like in a bite that makes it particularly upsetting, even if the risks of physical harm are quite small” (Kutner 2007). Major changes at home can cause a child to bite, such as a parent going back to work after being home with them for so long. Infants and toddlers do not have the words to make their feelings known and yet more frustration builds. Although this frustration builds, a child never releases it when biting. Sensory integration dysfunction is described as being the senses not being able to function properly. “Dysfunction of Sensory
References: Kutner,L.(2007, October)Toddlers and preschoolers who bite. Psych Central.Retrieved from http://psychcentral.com/lib/2007/toddlers-and-preschoolers-who-bite/ on August 18, 2009. Dwyer, A.(2009)Why toddlers bite.Helium. Retrieved from the website: http://www.helium.com/items/1253188-why-toddlers-bite on August 18, 2009. Mauro, T.(2009)Special needs children-dysfunction of sensory integration.Special children.Retrieved from ProQuest on August 18, 2009. Oesterreich,L.(1995)Biting hurts.Iowa family child care handbook.Retrieved from the website: on August 18, 2009. Ramming,P.,Kyger,C., and Thompson,S.(2006, March)A new bit on toddler biting:the influence of food, oral motor development, and sensory activities.Young Children,61,2,p.17.Retrieved from ProQuest on August 12, 2009. Reguero de Atiles, Julia T.; Stegelin, Delores A.; & Long, Janie K. (1997). Biting behaviors among preschoolers: A review of the literature and a survey of practitioners. Early Childhood Education Journal, 25(2), 101-105.(ERIC Journal No. EJ558652) Oesterreich,L.(2006, October)Understanding children biting.Retrieved from Ebsco Host on August 18, 2009.