Whatever their views, beliefs and situations, women in the 1920s were all effected by the rise of Consumerism in America and were influenced by mass …show more content…
advertising campaigns via magazines, newspapers, the radio and the movies. The Roaring Twenties heralded a period of prosperity for many and access to electricity provided American women with the power required to run new labor saving appliances and enjoy the new inventions and innovations of the period.
To begin with, it is very important to realize to the full the special position of women in the United States as contrasted with the rest of the world. Woman has never before attained, in any country, the psychological position that she enjoys in America. This status is so astounding to visitors from other countries that they often feel a sharp shock of surprise and revulsion; while even some of our young satiric novelists, like Sinclair Lewis and Louis Bromfield, who spend enough time in Europe to note the contrasts, are convinced that American women autocratically “rule the roost,” and that American men exist and labor largely to pour more spending money into their wives’ laps. Count Keyserling of Germany was convinced after his visit here, that woman in America represented a new kind of aristocracy, “queening it” in quite high-handed fashion, and living in luxury and leisure upon the labors of man, the commoner. He sensed an unconscious belief among American women that these were her inalienable rights, and that she regarded her position and privileges somewhat as the aristocracy in Europe regards their own special prerogatives. This is satire of course, but not wholly unjustified satire; for any fair-minded American woman who has traveled must agree that she enjoys great economic advantages and is held in very high chivalrous regard by American men; a condition stemming back to the pioneer days of America when women were scarce and highly valued. She has the widest freedom to enter business even after marriage, and as a wife and mother she is deemed a partner in the family enterprise.
I have been equally surprised by the conquests made in business by American women.
It is rather a shock to a European to meet a pretty girl of twenty-seven, to hear that she is employed in a drug corporation, and then to discover that she is a director. A shock to find a woman running a lawyer’s office entailing annual expenses of seven or eight thousand dollars, and making a living. It is a surprise to find the American stenographer earning four times as much as her European sister. All those shocks, however, arise out of particular instances, and, though I agree that the American woman has made herself a good position, when I go through a business reference book I find that not one in a hundred of the leading names is the name of a woman. In America man still rules; all you can say is that he does not rule women so harshly as he does in Europe.
In The Great Gatsby, the freedom of Daisy and the rebellion of Myrtle explain the evolution of the “New Woman” in the 1920’s.
Daisy symbolizes beauty. She is described as a captivating, young girl that leads others on with her naive and innocent
She builds the American Dream by showing the beauty and happiness that the dream portrays. She is a male fantasy, which men want to attain.
She uses her beauty at her advantage in order to live the glamorous life that she wants.
"Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth..." (Fitzgerald 14)
This represents how Daisy is a part of the American Dream and she captures the attention of men with her naivety and beauty. She makes the American Dream seem like it always has a happy ending.
"She was a slender, small-breasted girl, with an erect carriage... Her gray sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming, discontented face." (Fitzgerald 16)
Myrtle's contribution to the American Dream is her seductive, captivating, and alluring looks. Her forbidden beauty is pleasing for men to want. She represents the American dream by planting an image of reward and pleasure in others
"...but she carried her flesh sensuously as some women can. Her face... contained no facet or gleam of beauty, but there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her as if the nerves of her body were continually smoldering." (Fitzgerald 28)
The text proves that Myrtles beauty is very captivating. The American Dream is directed to men who want pleasure and satisfaction. Myrtle's beauty and seductiveness is appealing and welcoming.
All ranks of social status are read in the book. From Myrtle to Daisy, there is a huge gap of wealth and acceptance. Their differences create hope within citizens of America that the dream is possible.
Daisy was born into a wealthy family and her status represents the ultimate goal of the American Dream that everyone wants to achieve. Her ability to maintain her status within the books proves that wealth and power in the dream is stable.
"'I've been everywhere and seen everything and done everything.' Her eyes flashed around her in a defiant way... 'God, I'm sophisticated!'" (Fitzgerald 22)
This shows that Daisy is at the top of the social ladder. Daisy's status allows her to expand her knowledge. Her statement elaborates on the American Dream by expressing her intelligence.
Myrtle is poor; however, she is able to attain the American Dream through her relationship with Tom. This gives others hope that the Dream is achievable.
"'I want to get one of those dogs... I think it's cute... How much is it?'
'That dog will cost you ten dollars.'" (Fitzgerald 29-30)
This act of Myrtle purchasing a dog with Tom's money shows that with good decisions and dedication the American Dream can be attained.
The personalities and unique attitudes of the women reflect and construct the American Dream. It also separates the women from the men; this is shown in the novel because their demands are highlighted over the Men's preferences.
Daisy is deceiving, she has become an artificial woman which allows her to seem perfect. Her character is very similar to the American Dream because she herself is an illusion.
"There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of these dreams - not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion. It had gone beyond her, beyond everything. He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way. No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man can store up in his ghostly heart.”
Nick talks about how Gatsby had created an illusion of Daisy being perfect. Daisy had the personality that was able to create that illusion.
Myrtle, instead, is manipulative, optimistic and has perseverance. She has become a symbol of hope because she is so relatable. Her defiance against society norms make the dream seem exciting.
"A white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity - except his wife..." (Fitzgerald 28)
Myrtle compared to Mr.Wilson is vibrant ; this supports her character because she is bold, clever and rebellious. The dust was on everything expect Myrtle which shows Mr. Wilson's control over everything in the store except her which shows that she is her own person.