CULTURE: The way of life for a group of people. It can be seen in ways of behaving, beliefs, values, customs followed, dress style to mention a few. Culture is passed on from one generation to another however it is not solid and lasting but always changing as each generation contributes its experience of the world and thus drops things that are seemingly absurd and no longer useful for them.
Identity: A person’s identity is made up of their own character combined with their family and social roots. Identity is ever changing whatsoever.
Heritage: A person’s heritage is made up of practices and traditions that are passed on from parents to children. It is also about what has been passed from the family, community, and place where people have been raised. 1. NATURAL HERITAGE: The country’s beautiful environment and natural resources thereof, like gold and water, areas that are very special and where animals or plants are in danger of extinction. They are protected against harm. 2. CULTURAL HERITAGE: Formed by those things or expressions that show the creativity of people, such as, special monuments like a building, sculpture, painting, a cave dwelling or any historically important thing worth artistic/scientific value.
TOURISM: Business of providing services for people on holiday; hotels and sightseeing trips.
Commerce: Buying and selling of goods.
Research Question:
Is heritage for gain? Should we use it as a commercial ticket through tourism? Or does tourism expose what would otherwise be confined to the memories of the local people? Should we not showcase our country through heritage?
South Africa,” the rainbow nation”, a metaphor often ignored by local people not knowing the wealth within such brightness. This metaphor briefly summarises the essence of diversity found within the country. It is a great phenomenon for one to