Blacks were segregated in schools. Black schools were extremely poor, shabby books (if there were any at all), poorly educated black teachers, and a huge number of children in one class. White schools however were a lot nicer, the school flourished with books and equipment, knowledgeable teachers, and manageable, smaller classes. Black Americans were not allowed to attend all white schools. This was addressed in the Linda Brown case. Linda Brown was a black girl who had to walk a long distance just to reach a black school in Topeka when there was a local …show more content…
The Civil Rights movement began with the bus boycotts when black americans would refuse to use public buses. Blacks would ‘Sit Down’ at diners and restaurants, demanding service even when they were told to go to the segregated section of the establishment. Even ice cream stands were segregated, there was a separate window for blacks on the side of the building. Black american children had to play in a separate area, there were nice parks for whites and a fence separating them from the colored playground. In practically every building, a nice water fountain stood for whites and a decrepit ‘colored’ water fountain stood for blacks. Most of these segregated areas were due to the Jim Crow laws, where it states that black americans are legally required to attend separate schools and churches, use public bathrooms marked ‘for colored only’, eat in a separate section of any restaurant, and to sit in the rear of the