Pavan Patel*
KVS Krishnamohan**
The world’s worst power outage affected 600 million people, business worth an estimated $1.5 billion was lost, trains stopped, flight schedules were thrown out of gear, and miners were trapped, in deep coal shafts and hospitals had to switch the emergency operators. That’s half of the population in the darkness on 31st July 2012. This is because of the failures of three grids in supplying to north, eastern, north eastern regions of the country. In recent times power outrages made headlines in US, Canada, Brazil and Greece. This is not exception to India, but this crisis in not an ordinary crisis, because investors are looking infrastructure support from the government of India. Repeated grid failures may create a negative opinion about India in international market. Industry experts concur that there is serious shortage of electricity in India. The annexure- III explains very clearly that power loss is taking place that power projects that get delayed or stalled for want of environment forest coal block clearance and public agitations. Ministry of power had to battle serious fuel linkages that required generating power and environmental issues, apart land acquisition problems through people agitations.
Currently, India has a total installed capacity of 2, 05,339 MW, but on a bad day fuel problems, maintenance can pare this to 1, 30,000 MW. The deficit worsened in recent weeks because of poor supply of fuel, poor monsoon rains, falling reservoirs, level high temperatures, farmers to rely on clerical pumps to irrigate their land. This black out was a disaster waiting to happen. An official admits from ministry of power that “as it is hydel generation is less than 50 percent because of deficit water in reservoirs and many thermal plants are not running