In Blackberries In June, Ron Rash addresses a number of hardships particularly what happens when familial obligations and loyalty come into question. While each of the story’s central characters faces his or her own internal struggle, the question that emerges most clearly is when does familial loyalty and obligation end and where does accountability and determination begin?
High school sweethearts Jamie and Matt have been married for barely a year. During that time, (and prior) the couple has tirelessly worked to save money--all in an effort to fix up the lake house that they were able to miraculously purchase. However, the perception that the couple constantly faces is that they aren’t deserving of such a stroke of luck. Jamie and Matt, however “made their own luck’ and did so through determination …show more content…
It’s obvious that Jamie’s mother expects that the family will do whatever it takes to help Charlton and Linda. While the impact of the accident on the other members of the family isn’t fully acknowledged, familial obligation is certainly implied. “You got to do what’s best for the whole family,” her mother said, speaking quietly as well. “You got to accept that life is full of disappointments. That’s something you learn as you grow older (Rash 212).
Ron Rash’s short story, Blackberries in June, closely examines one family’s response to unexpected hardship while questioning the validity of familial obligation and loyalty. When does obligation end with one’s family of origin? For the central characters in Rash’s story, this seems to be an ongoing source of struggle with no end in sight and no clear solution. It’s leaves the reader rooting for the young determined couple and hoping that hard work and determination do pay