Baldini’s episode in very important in the novel perfume, due to several reason, one being the fact Baldini is like a life changing character for Grenouille just like how Madam Gaillard was. This is because Baldini introduces the protagonist to the art of perfumery and teaches him how to measure out ingredients and recognize the various names of scents. This is important because, as Grenouille was able to learn the basics of what will become his final goal, which is to create the ultimate perfume.
The imagery the write uses to illustrate the importance of Baldini is by introducing Baldini and making him the subject rather than Grenouille being the subject as he has been in the past chapters till this point. The reason why the write opted for such approach was because Baldini is a foil for Grenouille, which mean that Baldini has similarities as Grenouille. Also Baldini is used for bring out Grenouille even more due to the development of his animal like abilities (Supernatural power of sent). Some evidence that we have from the book is that we know that Baldini has a perfumery “residence of perfumer and Glover Giuseppe Baldini” also that Grenouille has this supernatural ability in the area of smell. Also when they describe Baldini’s shop, in that part the writer has used amazing imagery to show us how involved Baldini is in the profession of perfume. As it states “Baldini had thousands of them. His stock ranged from essences absolutes-floral oils, tinctures, extracts, secretions, balms, resins, and other drugs in dry, liquid, or waxy form-through diverse pomades, pastes, powders, soaps, creams, sachets, bandolines, brilliantine’s, mustache waxes, wart removers, and beauty spots, all the way to bath oils, Etc.” So from this you can see that how these descriptions of