“To him, art was a spiritual experience, almost as if he was a God”. Physic and spirit found its conjunction at his ‘anthropometries’, pieces that were created before an expectant audience and in which Klein directed naked women like, as he called ‘living paint brushes’. “Klein was a performancer at a time when there were no artists that dare to make performances” says Cayón, “and blue was to him more than just a color, it was a spiritual concept”. However, his performances, weren’t understood at his time. “It is now when we are starting to understand him, not then” Cayón assures. This is why now, for the first time in Europe and for the second time in the history of art (the first one was at the United States some years ago), the ‘Tactile Sculpture’ is shown at the gallery. It is exactly as it sounds: tactile. The visitor enters in a small and, at the center, there is a big, white box with a couple of holes to put your hands in them. “You have to touch, to feel. You would be amazed of the variety of reactions that I have seen”, he says,
“To him, art was a spiritual experience, almost as if he was a God”. Physic and spirit found its conjunction at his ‘anthropometries’, pieces that were created before an expectant audience and in which Klein directed naked women like, as he called ‘living paint brushes’. “Klein was a performancer at a time when there were no artists that dare to make performances” says Cayón, “and blue was to him more than just a color, it was a spiritual concept”. However, his performances, weren’t understood at his time. “It is now when we are starting to understand him, not then” Cayón assures. This is why now, for the first time in Europe and for the second time in the history of art (the first one was at the United States some years ago), the ‘Tactile Sculpture’ is shown at the gallery. It is exactly as it sounds: tactile. The visitor enters in a small and, at the center, there is a big, white box with a couple of holes to put your hands in them. “You have to touch, to feel. You would be amazed of the variety of reactions that I have seen”, he says,