Her appearance is incongruous to this setting. She is daintily dressed in a white
Suit with a fluffy bodice, …show more content…
Her language is evidentially presented through her background and education. Blanche is a sophisticated, High School English teacher, who takes a certain amount of pride in her extensive vocabulary, all the while using it as a tool to exploit the uneducated souls she encounters. Besides her beauty, she employs a flirty, yet prim and proper charade of a woman who has never known indignity, all with the expectation to obtain admiration, particularly from men, and boost her self-esteem. Her promiscuous nature is distinctly captured in her dialog with Stanley:
Hello, Stanley! Here I am, all freshly bathed and scented, and feeling like a new human being... Excuse me while I slip on my pretty new dress! (Norton, 1790)
In summary, Blanche forecasts a dainty but highbrow disposition throughout the story. She reveals partial truths in regards to the family fortune, her employment status and her love life. These partial truths are exactly what make her character so intriguing, not to mention the closing of scene three’s discussion with Mitch and the discovery that they both have lost a loved one. This is the second time Blanche addresses her widow status, however, at this point, fails to provide the details of this tragedy, leaving the audience with an unresolved yearning to discover what is going on with