With Antonio symbolizing Christ, there needs to be someone to offset him, someone such as the Devil. One such character is Ernie. Ernie, for no reason known to Antonio, dislikes him very much. "He has a witch to help him. " Ernie sneered". Ernie was still after me. I still didn't know why." The Devil does not like God or Christ because they over powered him. They were full of goodness, and the Devil could not understand this. Between Ernie and Antonio, there is a similar story. Ernie is not a "good" Christian like Antonio. Ernie picks fights just to fight, and once Antonio stood up to him and showed Ernie his power. "Then Ernie's arms snapped out and the football he was holding hit me full on my face. I instinctively struck out and felt my fist land on his chin." (Pg. 146) After this act of defiance against Ernie, Antonio stating that he would not be drug down by Ernie's bad ways, everyone had more respect for him, even Ernie. " No one teased me about Ultima after that. If I had been able to take on Ernie I guess they figured that I would fight anybody." (Pg. 147) This passage puts Antonio in a light as being able to defeat Ernie, or Christ defeating the Devil.
Other images of Ernie in