Poetry Essay
In this assignment I will write about how life in other cultures in the poems “Blessing” by Imtiaz Dharker and “An old woman” by Arun Kolkata. “Blessing” by Imtiaz Dharker is a poem set in Asia. The people of the slum suffer in terrible conditions, the poet describes the reactions of people in the village when a water pipe bursts and shows how precious it is to them. “An old woman” by Arun Kholkatur is a poem also set in Asia. It is about an old woman begging the writer for some money. He just thinks she’s one of many beggars, but as he sees the situation he feels bad for her and gives her money.
“Blessing” opens with a simile. ‘The skin cracks like a pad’. That immediately gives you an impression of shortage of water. In poor countries water is like a gift to them from God, they have almost nothing. In this line it also tells you how bad the skin is and cracks throughout. Also moving on to the second line it also tells us in the second line ‘There is never enough water’. This makes you the reader, how lucky we are to have clean water, one of the main reasons poor people die is because they don’t have enough water! Following on to the third line there is no doubt that the villagers they are desperate for water. Dharker involves the reader by asking us to “Imagine the drip of it” telling us how precious water is and quantity and sound of the drop. The fourth line introduces the first religious response “even a small splash is personified as a kind gesture from god” for the villagers a small splash of water is better than nothing, they are lucky enough to even have a splash of water, ‘kind gesture from god’ this means the poor people will take this as a kind gift from god. Entering into the third stanza. The first line describes an unexpected event. The bursting of a municipal pipe is a extremely exciting big occasion for the villagers. ‘Sudden rush of fortune’, fortune is described as