This experiment was performed by using an online test on following website , a computer and through internet connection.
For this particular experiment our instructor guides us for each and every single step while detecting the blind spot. On the other hand the guided instructions were also given on the online test. First we perform this test for the left eye by closing the right one. One thing was common in whole experiment that it was performed by closing any of the one eye e.g. right or left eye.
Statistical analysis was not performed for this experiment. On the other hand careful observation leads to the results. The results were really exciting for me because I found a large blind spot. It was the point where the whitish grey dot was disappeared while I was looking through my left eye. However, in case of the empty line where the line was not complete but due to blind spot of eye it appears as it is not empty. This was making a whole or complete image or perception in my brain. …show more content…
Isomeric theory explains the phenomena of the blind spot and the reasons that why we tend to ignore it. According to this theory there are signals of the colors which move in all direction but luminance become a hurdle in its way and stops it. This process leads to the analogues diffusion of the colors and person ignores his/her blind spot. On the other hand symbolic filling in theory support the idea that not the internal environment but the outer texture, color, contrast may lead to ignore the blind spot due to which the empty part does not appear (Awater, Kerlin, Evan, & Tong, 2005)
Firstly, blind spot phenomena is widely use in the marketing products because the consumer begin to fill their perceptual images due to bright color and contrast of the background (Twamley, Evans, & Wormald, 2011).Secondly, it is also used in 3D movies where we wear the 3D glasses which cover the gap of your blind spot and the movie looks more real and complete (Inostroza, 2005).Thirdly, it can also be used in a lot of magical tricks which the magician play. Their tricks are too fast that it fills our blind spot eventually viewing the thing as a complete(my own