CONCLUSION. Ethnicity still source of social identity. Active, politicised identity (Bradley). Still discrimination but recently celebration of diversity. Blurring – perhaps. Ethnicities may well be evolving. Not completely free choice.…
However, the second edition of his classification system marked a shift to physical appearance and not only geographical locations. This was the first time the term “race” had surfaced in the European vocabulary. While using both geographic and physical appearance to classify groups of individuals, one European philosopher created a system to classify humans only a physical appearance.…
The belief that race is merely based on the color of a person’s skin has been the most common used method for defining racial boundaries in the modern world. However, this is not an accurate representation of how human beings should be classifies. According to authors, Omi and Winant, identifying an individual’s race on the basis of physical attributes is the most superficial factor in determining a person’s race (2). These authors, unlike many other scholars in the world do not define race based on an individual’s physical attributes. They define race as being a social concept due to the fact that they recognize that the classification of race varies broadly across the world. As stated by the authors, “In our view it is crucial to break with…
6. How useful do you think this stereotyping is? Why have observers from nearly all cultures resorted to these sorts of generalization when describing other people and societies?…
Schaefer, R. T. (2006). Racial and Ethnic Groups (sixth ed.). Retrieved from University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.…
Most people may have some form of language barrier, no matter what background they came from. Difference are what define the world around us. Whether a soft contrast of two colors or a comparison of nations, the diversity shapes our identities. In “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldúa and “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, both have similar subject as they both discussed how different forms of the same language are recognized in society. They emphasize the fact that a person can unconsciously develop different ideas through a language and categorizes an individual by the way they speak. How can identity be molded by language? Language is part of one’s identity.…
One can imagine that before the existence of racial categories one of the considerable categories for people was based on how they grouped themselves. However when an outsider is who names that group from a different perspective the association behind that name may change the social outcomes of how the group is perceived. The naming of a group can come with a perceive difference especially if the category of identity is merely founded on visible traits. When analyzing what makes that category of race one must consider what the markers are that set up that concept. Markers are what essentially make a category of identity known in the way one may use it to categorize…
Being raised in a community where people “share certain beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms because of their common ground” (textbook, p. 372) from rest of the world, I consider myself an ethnic person. I grew up in Nepal in which learned customs and traditions through enculturation therefore I have different native language and culture than ethnic Hispanic or white. The language and culture distinguish…
February 15, 13 Socio-biological Theory of Race: Race as a Biological Construct What is race (according to this perspective)? * Racial classifications are based on physical differences * These physical differences are seen to represent underlying genetic differences. *…
Berthoud modood and smith (1997) define ethnic group as follows: a community whose heritage offers important characteristics in common between its members and which makes them distinct from other communities. There is a boundary, which separates ‘us’ from ‘them’, and the distinction would probably be recognized on both sides of that boundary. Ethnicity is a multi-faceted phenomenon based on physical appearance, subjective identification, cultural and religious affiliation, stereotyping, and social exclusion.…
In the essay Multi-Culturalism Explained In One Word: Hapa, Kristen Lee says, “From my appearance, people assume I am Asian, but how could a quarter measurement define who I am?” (Multi-Culturalism 41). Kristen Lee labels herself as “hapa” which is a Hawaiian slang for half Asian and half another race. Even though people assume her as Asian, specifically Chinese, she does not speak a Chinese dialect. Kristen Lee questions why do people want her to pick a label when really she is just “a hip-hop-loving piano-playing dancing diva who grew up on a ranch in rural Michigan with some horses, dogs and every kind of hand-sized pet imaginable” (Multi-Culturalism 41). The point is that ethnicities or cultures does not always identify…
In this article written by Jared Diamond entitled “Race Without Color”, he explains about the difference of race in humanity and how humans should not be classified that way because there are too many variations. Depending on how a person looks, they would be put into a certain race categories such as “African blacks,” “whites,” “Mongoloids,” “aboriginal Australians”, and “Khoisans.” However, this classification of humans only affect how we view others; it does not involve our senses or who we are as a person. This can be discriminating. Anthropologists believe that humans should not be classified into a particular race. There are other ways to group humans, such as natural selection, sexual preferences, and fingerprints.…
Often I have wished I had more predominantly "ethnic" physical characteristics such as darker skin or traditional Chinese folds in my eyelids, easily definable physical characteristics instead of my mixed features. In high school I traveled to Israel where many people would immediately speak to me in Hebrew assuming that I was Israeli. When I was living abroad in Finland, many Finns would assume I was Sami (Eskimo) and without hesitation, speak to me in Finnish. And traveling in South Korea, people would come up to me asking about my Asian heritage saying "You are Asian. Who is Asian in your family?" I was surprised to learn that it isn't only an American desire to classify ethnic identity, but a universal desire to categorize people by their race or ethnic background. I have been raised in a very happy family, a household complete with a mother, father and one sister, Rebecca. Our ethnic identity is best identified as an American melting pot.…
The impact of multiculturalism versus color-blindness on racial bias [An article from: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology] [HTML] [Digital]. (n.d.). The Impact of Multiculturalism versus Color-blindness on Racial Bias [An Article From: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology]: J.A. Richeson, R.J. Nussbaum: Books. Retrieved from…
Ethnicity and race has had a big influence on peoples' every day life choices. In some way or another, most people will be judged according to their color of their skin or their ethnic background. We live in a society full of different races and cultures affecting the way we interact with each other, as well as influencing our views on equality and differences among the many different races in our society. Often influential media groups and social standards shape our beliefs, also affecting how we interact with cultures different from our own, and how various groups interact with each other. Race and ethnicity may be defined as a type of grouping or classification based on a persons origin of birth and includes their racial appearance, language, religion and culture. Ethnicity can be defined as a social construction that indicates identification with a particular group who share common cultural traits, such as language, religion and traditions.…