Netflix: vision statement Our appeal and success are built on providing the most expansive selection of DVDs; an easy way to choose movies; and fast, free delivery.
Blockbuster vision statement
"Our corporate mission is to provide our customers with the most convenient access to media entertainment, including movie and game entertainment delivered through multiple distribution channels such as our stores, by-mail, vending and kiosks, online and at home. We believe Blockbuster offers customers value-prices entertainment experience, combining the broad product depth of a specialty retailer with local neighborhood convenience.
The importance of the Blockbuster Vision Statement should not be underestimated. As a highly successful company in the Home Entertainment industry Blockbuster specialize in DVD and video game rental stores retailing DVD, Video, and Video Games for Home Entertainment. The Blockbuster Vision Statement describes the values, services and the company's vision for the future.
The rental industry Core products and services as of 2007 were:
-in store rentals reached revenues of $5.8 billion
-rental via mail reached revenues of 2 billion
-video on demand had 1.3 billion
-vending machines brought in 400 million
The distinctiveness of the movie rental industry is homeveiwing. The niche in this industry is fast delivery and few late fees.
Core Values Looking at the core values of the whole movie rental industry. The key core values are using good judgment calls, being productive. Being creative which brings innovation. Intelligence thinking broadly and strategically. Honesty, effective communication, selflessness and being reliable and