This documentary response encompasses the assessed work on the chosen stimulus, ‘Blood Brothers’.
The text provoked different responses displayed varyingly across the group.
Underlying themes which arose were social background, the individual within society, friendship and education, and growing up and money.
Essentially, I have learnt that the play is an exploration of the above themes surrounding an embedded theme of love and the risks and dangers we face for those that we love during life’s many unexpected turns.
In my opinion, the different dramatic explorative strategies were useful in different ways. Freeze frames allowed us to pin-point specific moments and analyse them which …show more content…
then lead us to a greater understanding and ability to implement that using role-play and improvisation.
Main Paragraphs
For each paragraph, explain the exercise in detail and the drama strategies used.
Evaluate your own work and that of others.
When writing about each strategy, always say what decisions were made as a result of working in that way and how that rehearsal strategy helped you to understand the play and its characters.
1: The initial lesson exploring the themes of social class and background. Evaluate the still image exercise with Olivia’s group.
2: The third lesson exploring the relationship between Mickey and Edward using an extract from the text. Evaluate the role-play exercise with Alfie’s pair.
3: The penultimate lesson exploring the relationship between Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons using an extract from the text. Evaluate the role-play exercise with Eden’s pair.
4: The final lesson exploring the relationship between Mickey, Linda and Mrs Johnstone using an extract from the text. Evaluate the marking the moment exercise with Tiegan’s group.
Answer the following questions in your responses:
How were the drama strategies used to create effect and explore the text further?
How was the drama medium(s) used in this exercise to explore the play ‘Blood Brothers’?
How was dramatic meaning communicated through these different
How did this develop your understanding of ‘Blood Brothers’?
How were the elements of drama used in performance in this exercise?
How did these elements relate to the story and develop the themes and characters?
How did this develop your understanding of ‘Blood Brothers’?
What was particularly successful about each exercise and what could have been improved?
Drama Strategies
The Drama Medium
The Elements Of Drama
Freeze frames/still images
Movement, mime and gesture
Action, plot and content
Spoken language
Climax and anti-climax
Space and levels
Rhythm, pace and tempo
Set and props
Marking the moment
Masks and make-up
Sound and use of music
In conclusion, I feel that the use of the different dramatic and explorative strategies has lead me to a deeper, more developed and more complex understanding of the play ‘Blood Brothers’.
I feel that overall; all groups used the techniques decidedly well in demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of the text, with room for improvement amongst most of us.
I found role-play to be the most helpful strategy in developing my understanding of the play and exploring its themes as it allows the actor to fully immerse themselves in the play and commit to a character, thus leading to a more empathetic view having physically and mentally become them.