When initially communicating with a potential client it is important to consider the health and well-being of the individual you will be training. There are many health factors that must be discussed prior to your first workout session. Blood pressure may be one of the least complicated to monitor, yet possibly one with the highest probability to bring on complications if left untreated.
Blood pressure readings are measured in millimeters of mercury. An instrument called a sphygomanometer is used to measure your systolic and diastolic pressure. Written in the form of a fraction, the top number is the systolic pressure, and the bottom is the diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure is measuring the amount of pressure that the blood exerts on the arteries and vessels while the heart is beating. The diastolic pressure is a measurement that determines the amount of pressure in your arteries between heartbeats while your heart is relaxed.
The diastolic pressure is the most important in monitoring blood pressure in younger individuals, while monitoring the systolic pressure becomes more relevant as we age. Systolic pressure is known to rise as a result of hardening arteries. Systolic and diastolic pressure should be routinely monitored, as high blood pressure in 30 year olds can predict an increased risk of cardiovascular …show more content…
disease later in life.
Below are the blood pressure measurements. Diastolic ranges: Pre-hypotension , and its effects are typically short in duration and dissipates once the stressful event has passed.
Many theories are being researched to determine how stress is related to our health.
While blood pressure may increase temporarily while dealing with stress, it has not been proven to cause chronic blood pressure. High blood pressure associated with stress is most likely contributed to the negative lifestyle choices we make in order to alleviate our stress, such as overeating, eating the wrong things, smoking, and drinking. This further concludes that the best preventative to maintain proper blood pressure is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including weight management and proper nutritional eating