In this assignment I have chosen to discuss manual blood pressure a clinical skill, I performed whilst on placement as part of a community mental health team. I have chosen this skill as I was nervous about performing it in practice and could reflect on my experience. The aim of this essay is to reflect and discuss learning achieved and my application of the clinical skill in practice. The NMC require that as a nurse “you must have the knowledge and skills for safe and effective practice” (NMC 2008). A definition of the clinical skill is the pressure/exerted by the blood within the arteries, it can vary with the strength of the person’s heartbeat, and health conditions can effect a person’s blood pressure (Callaghan & Waldock …show more content…
Available at Accessed 12 June 2013
Callaghan, P, Waldock, H (2006).Oxford Handbook of Mental Health nursing (1st edition) Oxford University Press, Oxford
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Dougherty, L, Lister, S (2011) The Royal Marsden Hospital manual of Clinical Nursing Procedure of manual blood pressure to carry out the skill. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2010) Quality standard for hypertension S28. London: National Institute for Health and Care