2. burning feeling in the chest or stomach
3. congestion in the chest
4. changes in facial skin color
5. cough
6. diarrhea
7. difficulty with swallowing
8. fast or irregular breathing
9. fever
10. frequent urge to urinate
11. heartburn
12. inability to urinate
13. irregular heartbeat
14. lightheadedness or dizziness
15. loss of bladder control
16. puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes
17. ringing or buzzing in the ears
18. shortness of breath, troubled breathing, tightness in the chest or wheezing
19. skin rash, hives, or itching
20. stomach pain
21. tenderness in the stomach
22. Anxiety
23. constipation
24. dry mouth
25. gas
26. increased sweating
27. nervousness
28. pounding heartbeat
29. sleepiness
30. trouble in sleeping
31. unusual tiredness or weakness
32. Decreased appetite
33. depression
34. headache
35. heartburn
36. increased thirst
37. irritability
38. mood or mental changes
39. mouth ulcers
40. pain or burning in the throat
41. runny nose
42. sensation of burning, warmth, heat, numbness, tightness, or tingling
43. slurred speech
44. stomach upset
45. thinking abnormalities
46. trembling or shaking of the hands or feet
47. unexplained weight loss
48. unusual feeling of well-being
49. visual disturbances