Wine Celebration – This is a fun ceremony that carries over into the first year of marriage. Our wedding minister in Oklahoma will facilitate your desired service while sending you and your …show more content…
In addition to making vows to each other as a couple, your children can make vows to one another and to you as their parents. Wedding ministers in Oklahoma City enjoy this particular ceremony as it expresses the unity of the family. As parents, you can opt to give gifts to your children during the service or incorporate the sand ceremony.
Bloom and Blossom Wedding Day – The rose ceremony is very intimate and involves the couple exchanging two red blooms. This act represents the first gift of love that you will bestow upon one another as a married couple. Each one of your guests will receive a rose (not red) to place in a large basket or vase. The officiant will then discuss with you and your guests the meaning behind the different colors of the roses and how they portray the many different facets of your commitment.
Broom Leap – A wooden broom is placed on the floor in front of you and your spouse. You will be asked to join hands and as you do, jump over the broom in unison. This represents your first trial as a married pair. Whether a traditional wedding or an Oklahoma City gay marriage, jumping the broom enhances any …show more content…
The groom will shatter a piece of glass wrapped in a cloth napkin with his foot. This represents the shattering of the old life and embracing the new chapter as a married man.
Ketuvah Signing – Largely a Jewish tradition, wedding officiants in Oklahoma City enjoy performing this ceremony for any faith. The Marriage Promise is a contract drawn up by the couple that also debuts as a decorative piece of art that can be displayed within the marital home. The Wedding minister in OKC will talk about the Ketuvah to you and your partner during the ceremony and then you will both sign it in front of your guests.
Gifts for the Happy Couple – This is a neat service to be part of and we at Lifelong Wedding Ceremonies enjoy facilitating it. You and your partner will select different guests to join you in placing an item of importance into a basket placed on a nearby table or altar. The items should symbolize something meaningful for you and your fiancée.
Band Blessing – Before the ceremony officially starts, the Best Man, Maid of Honor, Marriage officiant in OKC, and any immediate family members convene to pass your rings around a circle while blessing them with a prayer or holding them close to warm them before the