Nur 427
Blooms Taxonomy MAY 6TH 2012
Blooms Taxonomy
Blooms Taxonomy Chronic illness has become more and more prevalent since people are living longer due to better healthcare and management systems. Better equipment and medications are just two examples of how they are prolonging people’s lives. As defined in Larsen (p.5) “Chronic illness is all impairments from normal that have one or more characteristics: and permanent, leave residual disability, are permanent , leave residual disability, are caused by non-reversible pathological altercation requiring special training of the patient for rehabilitation and may be expected to require longs periods of supervision, observation or care.” As in Larsen (2009) Taking care of chronically ill patients can be challenging and requires the healthcare giver to be educated on taking care of the patients with the illness. Larsen (2009). According to University of Phoenix Blooms Taxonomy (2011).Blooms Taxonomy was developed Benjamin Bloom along with a group of educators. “It was created to classify learning objectives for teachers and students.” (University of Phoenix Blooms Taxonomy p.1. 2011) Blooms Taxonomy falls into 3 categories cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Nursing can use these methods to facilitate patient learning. As in University of Phoenix Blooms Taxonomy (2011).Cognitive teaching encompasses the patient learning remembering the list of things to do, take for example a chronic wound, understand how to their blood pressure, understanding the signs of a wound infection, applying is knowing how to choose a diet that will complement their illness and analyze is making exercise a part of their daily lives. Evaluating is being able to remove items that might be a hazard such as sharp edged furniture that could in turn reinjure the wound. As in University of Phoenix Blooms Taxonomy (2011).Affective teaching is coming to
References: Larsen, P. D., & Lubkin, I M. (2009). Chronic Illness and Intervention (7th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection data. Univerisity of Phoenix. (2011). Blooms Taxonomy. Retrieved from Univerisity of Phoenix, NUR427 Health and Chronic Disease Management website.