
Blue Budgie Research Paper

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Blue Budgie Research Paper
As the common question has been asked before, where did the blue budgie color morphing first take place? The first appearance of the blue budgie color morphing first took place in 1878 in Brussels [1], then later reappeared dominantly in the Netherlands in the early 1880’s. Although the first color mutation was in the early 1880s, reproduction of the blue budgie gene was very unpredictable as scientists have documented. The first results in breeding the new blue budgies resulted in short life spans and high mortality rates. Once the “mutant gene” was stabilized 40 years later, birds could pass these genes on to the offspring.[2] The color mutations differ from the wild-type colorations because the wild-type colorations are mostly just the lighter green and the yellow to fit in with the tree tops and …show more content…
Some ways in captivity which I had researched recommended line bred. In line bred they isolate a certain gene they want present in the next generation and with careful/controlled inbreeding they can transfer these genes to the next generation.[4] There were other differences scientists noticed as well, scientist Brad Congdon notices budgies in captivity can have serious problems in the wild once released because they must learn dialects of the wild. [5] Breeders focus on preserving the certain colors, with this being said, breeders “stock up” on the genes they prefer and then start to increase other color variations. Breeders focus on what genes they want to pull from these mutations, as mentioned above the “blue mutation” blocks the yellow production pigment causing different types of blues and white to be

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