Where a time he wouldn’t feat his boss or be accountable for anything or have to be at the office at a certain hour (Scotti, 2012, p.
28). He goal was to do this at a young age, not an old man like the rest of them. Further in the book Mike was convinced to turn his video footage in to a documentary about Iraq and in order to do so he has to revisit some of the place he had gone in the footage to get signatures from the people that show there face clearly to sign off saying its okay with them to show there face in the documentary. Doing this documentary Mike describes each part in the footage to Kristian what it was like dearing that time, by doing so I believe it becomes a lot for him to talk about it. I could only image what he has gone through. I mean listen to him tell his story is so what reality check for me. I mean you never really know what a veteran goes though when they come back to
civilization. They have to go through so much. I never really thought about what it would feel like when a marine (veteran) came home. Having to a just to so much so small details you would even think about like color and clothes just the simple things. The part in the book where he describes going to a friends wedding
And the bright colors there wearing and how he’s listening to the conversations everyone’s having about everyday petty stuff, while there were Marines fighting for there lives, he felt hate toward the everyday American people because they had no clue that they were lucky. Things like that make me think twice about the dumb things I worry about, in realty isn’t half of what the solider out there our doing for us on a daily basis. I know now more about why and how the government and all the politicians worry about and its not our solders its about money and oil. Which really doesn’t surprise me, it’s just awful. Nonetheless, Mike goes in to detail about his duties in the marines, getting mail was supposed to be happy thing but then there were the letters that where sent to the dead soldiers that the family member didn’t know that there kid was now past and it was hard to be happy to receive a letter from your family member when all you could think about was that poor family and what they are going to go through when they find out about there son or daughter passing. Moreover, going over everything Mike survives and tells us in his book just gets you thinking a lot about all the veterans and what they go through on a daily basis’s, how they overcome PTSD.
Thus, in conclusion, by reading this book it gave me an inside look into what all our combat personnel must go through. While many handle PTSD in another ways, this story is very captivating to me. I highly recommend this book to everybody especially to the ones who know someone who is suffering from PTSD it may help them help the person suffering from this disorder. In addition, I believe everyone should be really grateful for people like him by letting us as readers get the inside to a marines world after combat and returning home to civilian world.