Saint Leo University
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is one of the many major health insurance companies in the United States. The company was started by a man named Dr. Justin Ford Kimball in 1929. Kimball started the program because he noticed that teachers had a huge burden of medical bills in his area. He started a plan for teachers to be able to have a three week hospital stay covered for as little as fifty cents a month. The first plan was a hit when over 1250 teachers enrolled at once (Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association History). The plan started to spread throughout the United States. In 1934, E.A. van Steenwyk designed the Blue Cross name and …show more content…
The first program is called the CareFirst Blue Choice Discount Dental Program. This program offers twenty to forty percent off of all dental needs using the list of providers who accept this program. Another program that Blue Cross Blue Shield offers is the Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) which offers preventative and corrective dental care at a predictable price. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield (CareFirst) Preferred (PPO) Dental offers the insured to pick any provider they would like, but have the option to use an in network provider and have cheaper costs. There are a few more plans offered for dental just requires research to find the best option for a family or an …show more content…
Blue Cross Blue Shield. (2012, May 14). Health Insurance. Retrieved July 15, 2012, from
3. Consumer-Directed Health Plans. (n.d.). CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Retrieved from
4. Blue Choice Advantage. (n.d.). CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Retrieved from!ut/p/c5/jc7BDoIwEATQLzKdAq3lCKbQDQYkCgIXw8GYJgIejN8vvRkj6u7x7WSHdWzesX_YS3-309hfWcM6eQozWXAKfRR1CFAmqIjy2kMlZm9fPDWJAAXpTlFZcij5T3qTRiZYbwHoQwwvF3qfxIqD_B_po2u7fKHlm39o5_zbf-dYmAgsN9NwZrehamBp9QSM0lTI/dl3/d3/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnZ3LzZfOUs2TzFJOTMwRzVIQTBJUzZVMkI0UTIwODY!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wcmwps/wcm/connect/content-employers/carefirst/gaportal/productoverviews/popup/bluechoiceadvantage
5. Medical. (n.d.). CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield. Retrieved from