There were several charts on the walls denigrating people with blue eyes such as “Only brown eyes need apply” and “Why can’t a blue eye be more like a brown?” The brown-eyes have been instructed beforehand to treat the blue-eyes as inferior. Elliot tells them that blue-eyed participants are not as smart or clean and they should lower the expectations.…
When it came to the child’s perspective one of the third graders became defensive about his father. Jane Elliot stated, “Blue-eyed people were smart and Brown-eyed people were stupid.” The child defended his father and saying, “no my father isn’t stupid.” She then convinced him by reminding him that his father had kicked him recently but that the blue eyed children with fathers had not kicked them. There was also a student of color who felt that white people don’t understand what it is like for colored people to be discriminated on a day to day basis.…
The children’s performance grades were significantly lower when their eye color group was on the bottom. One child mention that he was thinking about being brown eye, and felt stupid during the flashcards.…
Blue made sure to see that the students were receiving positive feedback. When each of the students entered the room, they retrieved their binders and all sat down quietly. Each of the students were very respectful to each other in that whenever someone raised their hand to speak, they were the only ones who spoke. There was no character development program or a posted set of rules displayed in her classroom. In her classroom she did the majority of the talking while the students listened and answered her questions. In the high school classroom, there was quite a bit of talking and disruption among the students in the beginning. There were many students who were up and walking around while he was discussing the homework. There was no character development in the classroom. Mr. G didn’t seem tell really be listening to his students, one student had to repeat his question three times. Each teacher provided a way to show respect and understanding to their students, and then the other showed a class room that didn’t have much respect for each…
In the documentary, the teacher had white kids in her class and the kids had a sense of how discrimination works out. She had separated the students by having people with brown eyes be more discriminated while the kids with blue eyes have the benefits of having five extra minutes of recess and having their time being taught by the teacher instead of the kids with brown eyes. The teacher ended up switching up the role of students with brown eyes have all the advantages and the kids with blue eyes be discriminated. Later on, in that week, the students with blue eyes had felt like they had all the power and did things to make the brown-eyed students feel bad. The students learned that discriminating people that have a different skin color is not worth it because they had felt that same pressure of being unknown and feeling left out.…
After viewing the video “A Class Divided” Mrs. Elliott had her third grade class perform an experiment on what it felt like to live with discrimination. She had the class separated by eye color and were given a set of rules on there were and weren’t able to do. On the first day of the experiment the students were told that blued-eyed people are better than brown-eyed people. The brown eyed people were also given collars that symbolized they were the inferior race.…
Elliott denied the brown-eyed students access to privileges (Alter par. 4) that could have improved their self-esteem and ability plus motivation to study. If this is compared to what black or minority students experience in public schools, then it can greatly impact their resources in the future too. Labels that hurt their confidence can make them less willing to continue studies and accept low-income jobs. At the same time, even when disempowered, many would get used to it and probably remain timid throughout their life (Alter par. 4), unless they receive corrective programs and life mentors who can guide them toward success. Another example in real life is when a student is labeled as poorly performing and lumped with others like him.…
The Bluest Eye is a complex novel written by Toni Morrison, an African American literary theorist. Morrison evokes a society still plagued by the premise of slavery and the exposes this mode of white inferiority through The Bluest Eye. “Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love of a free man is never safe”, Morrison endows these last couple of sentences with a lyrical quality that makes the readers truly understand the depth of Cholly’s character and the “freeness” he experiences. Morrison initially introduces Cholly Breedlove as the antagonist, a drunk and very abusive father; any man who would beat his wife, set his house on fire and rape his daughter couldn’t…
The children that were the “bad” children, tested to be slower verses the children that were superior. This shows the group esteem that is affected just because of the way they were treated. For example one of the blue eye children was calling the brown eye child names and being a bully, they brown eye child punched him. This is just an example of what people of different color experienced every day when being prejudice was more extreme. In comparison, in the adult’s experiment, blue eye people reacted in rude and very defensive. The group esteem went dramatically down, it seemed like they were almost kids again, although they felt belittled because they are adults. The blue eye people still did not want to listen, pay attention, or…
With that being said, Jane Elliot decided to do a two day experiment to help the kids realize that discrimination is wrong. The first day of the exercise, she split the class into groups of blue-eyed people and brown-eyed people. On this particular day, the blue-eyed people were better than the brown-eyed people. She made the brown-eyed people wear a collar around their necks to help better distinguish between the eye colors. On this day, the blue eyed people were granted extra time at recess, were able to drink directly from the water fountain, have second helpings at lunch, and were allowed to play on the playground equipment. The brown-eyed children were not allowed the same luxuries.…
She separated her young students into two groups, The Blue Eyes and The Brown Eyes. Students with blue eyes were given preferential treatment, given positive guidance and support, and made to felt superior over those with brown eyes for one day; the same thing was done the next day, but reversed, with Ms. Elliott giving superiority to brown-eyed students. This was an incredible story and we were lucky enough to see in class. It was terrifying to see innocent lovely looking children turn into racist monsters towards one another. Some of the kids turned so sour that one brown eyed kid punched a blue eye kid to get him away and to stop him from going any further with his insults.…
It seemed so easy for the first group of children “on top” to find things to blame on the inferior group. It was almost automatic that the children in the inferior group to be offended or feel badly when called “brown eyes.” I didn 't think they would react quite so quickly and feel so bad right away. The blue-eyed children were mean and found lots of ways to discriminate against the brown eyed children. However once the brown eyed children were “on top” the terrible feeling about themselves seemed to diminish rather quickly, and I think since they knew how it felt to be on the inferior side they were not as mean and the first group of children that were “on top.” The children that participated in the experience learned a very valuable lesson and were able to carry these values with them through adulthood.…
A Class Divided was an experiment conducted by a third-grade teacher named Jane Elliot. When Martin Luther King Jr was shot, one day later Jane Elliot knew teaching her third-grade class that discrimination was wrong, wasn’t such an easy task but a difficult challenge since their parents raised them to believe discrimination of the blacks was the right thing to do. According to the video uploaded by Jshapplet, Jane Elliot stated on the first day of the experiment that: It just might be interesting to judge people today by the color of their eyes, blue eyed people should be on top the first day here, I mean the blue-eyed people are the better people in this room (Jshapplet). Mrs. Elliot leads the children to believe that those who has blue eyes…
The first part of the film introduces Ms Elliot and her all white 3rd grade class in Riceville, Iowa in 1968. This was the third year that Ms. Elliot used the blue eyed/brown eyed discrimination lesson in her classroom. She begins the day by discussing with the children the issues of racism, discrimination, and stereotyping. She then divides the class based on whether they have blue eyes or brown (Frontline, 2003). The decision is made that the blue eyed children were to be the dominant race the first day and the brown eyed children were to wear collars signaling their eye color to everyone. She told the students that the blue eyed people were better and smarter than brown eyed people. The blue eyed kids were to get 5 minutes extra recess, we allowed to drink directly from the water fountain,…
In today’s society we have had to accept people of different color or different race more than in the past. On top of that, the United States has a black president, in Barack Obama. Even though we have improved whites still connect white skin with good, brown with bad, and black the worst. When it comes to blacks the order is flipped on the way blacks view themselves. The article speaks about how it is hard to believe that it will ever change because of the way children grow up believing these assumptions. Another example the article talks about is how, one of the first things a child learns in school are their colors, and colors are related to specific items and even symbols. For example the color red can be associated with blood which then means danger. A study, that took place at the Max Planck Institute, showed that children are not the only ones that react these ways to colors. In an experiment two groups of volunteers were given a picture of a banana and carrot. The difference of these groups was that one was given black and white pictures, but when asked to report what they had seen both groups said they had seen the items in their original colors. These facts helped determine that once you learn an item has a specific color, you will always associate that item with that color. The same goes with humans when they look at the skin color of each other.…