Molar, they were always afraid they would have to stay after school to be tutored because he was boring and dull like a yawning abyss which made it hard for them to concentrate. During class that day, something terrible happened as the students were walking into the classroom, they went to their desks and found a blue goo all over the floor that was not there yesterday. The goo was the color of electric blue and was dribbling all over the desks and a few walls, which made the students frightened, so with hands trembling they tried to clean their desks but that only made it worse. Their hands would turn blue everytime they touched the goo, they were afraid that this blue goo would make them sick from being around it and touching it. Some of the students thought that the blue goo came from one of the other students drink which was the same blue color. However, since the blue goo would turn their hands blue they were somewhat skeptical of the …show more content…
Molar’s class both wanted to know where this was really coming from since it was leaving a blue tint on everything. So after class they started looking at broken bits of glass that had the blue tint on it. Immediately, they went to the cafeteria to see if there was anything that was glass that had a blue hue, they found the same tint all over the windows in the cafeteria. Suddenly, Hannah and Joe went to the principals office to look for the blue goo, once they arrived in the principals office they found blue goo all over the floor. They both felt the scorching rays of the sun because it was mid afternoon and the sun was shining boldly through the windows. Meanwhile, joe decided to go to the parking lot, he found blue goo all over one car both on the door handles and on the passenger side both inside and out. Without delay, Joe decided to look down the gravel road in front of the school but found no blue goo on the road. When walking back to the school building he heard the honking of geese due to the change of seasons. Joe then noticed the front sidewalks plastered with mud due to recent construction done on the school. With sweat dripping from his face, from fear of the unknown Joe went back inside the building and met up with Hannah. They both went to investigate the bathrooms, and they both found the same blue goo in the toilets while they were in the bathrooms they heard tiny giggles of the other