The mood for this poem is sympathy for this poor and starving Blue Heron. By picturing this bird in my mind and what he was doing, I was able to determine the main aspects for my melody. Trying to express the meaning of this poem in a melody is one of the greatest I have ever encountered in my whole musical life. I was trained to play whatever sheet music my teacher decided to give me and could not complain. The only time I was able to fool around with the musical notes was when my teacher allowed me to use the song that she picked and add notes inside of it. In my mind, I am not a creative person, I am like a robot when it comes to music. I do not like to put my own spin and create something new. I love to stick to what is written and play it exactly as though it was coming out of a computer. Having the freedom to compose anything that I wanted and relate it back to the piece was a challenge, but I managed to pull through at the end. Another challenge was creating a melody that expressed the poem correctly. I have an ear for music and hearing my music playing, I can hear that a note did not belong, or I should not have this note sharp or a this high of the
The mood for this poem is sympathy for this poor and starving Blue Heron. By picturing this bird in my mind and what he was doing, I was able to determine the main aspects for my melody. Trying to express the meaning of this poem in a melody is one of the greatest I have ever encountered in my whole musical life. I was trained to play whatever sheet music my teacher decided to give me and could not complain. The only time I was able to fool around with the musical notes was when my teacher allowed me to use the song that she picked and add notes inside of it. In my mind, I am not a creative person, I am like a robot when it comes to music. I do not like to put my own spin and create something new. I love to stick to what is written and play it exactly as though it was coming out of a computer. Having the freedom to compose anything that I wanted and relate it back to the piece was a challenge, but I managed to pull through at the end. Another challenge was creating a melody that expressed the poem correctly. I have an ear for music and hearing my music playing, I can hear that a note did not belong, or I should not have this note sharp or a this high of the