Srdjan Krco Applied Research Lab, Ericsson Ireland Invited paper
Abstract – Wireless sensor networks – networks of small devices equipped with sensors, microprocessor and wireless communication interfaces – are a technology that has gained a lot of interest lately. The broad spectrum of new and interesting applications, ranging from personal health-care to environmental monitoring and military applications, is proposed for such networks. Various wireless technologies, like simple RF, Bluetooth, UWB or infrared might be used for communication between sensors. In this paper the main principles, applications and issues of Bluetooth based wireless sensor networks, as well as an implementation of a simple Bluetooth based sensor network are described. The main problems experienced during the implementation and applied solutions are presented. hardware resources [4], [5], [6], [7] and efficient communication protocols [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], to enable networking and collaboration of smart sensor nodes. In the next section the main principles of wireless sensor networks are given and research issues are explained. Section 3 presents Bluetooth issues related to its use in sensor networks. An implementation of a Bluetooth based sensor network is described in section 4 along with some of the implementation issues and solutions. Section 5 concludes the paper.
2. Wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks comprise number of small devices equipped with a sensing unit, microprocessor, wireless communication interface and power source. In contrast to the traditional sensor networks that are carefully planned and deployed to the predetermined positions, wireless sensor networks can be deployed in an ad-hoc manner. Of course, such deployment requires adequate communication protocols that are able to organize the network automatically, without the need for human intervention. Beside
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