
Blurred View Of The Cave

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1. The cave represents an individual reality. The prisoners only seem to react to the information presented to them. Since they never left the cave they only know the shadows presented to them of things passing by.
2. The shadows represent a blurred perception of reality. If an individual believes that what you see should be perceived as the truth, then you are looking at a shadow of what the truth actually is. The prisoners interpret the shadows as things that are real, people who have a dim view of reality, only accepting the blurred view they have and the real truth is hidden behind a wall just like the cave.
3. The prisoner who escapes represents an enlightened man who is able to see the truth of what the world really is on the outside
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The dazzling effect of sunlight represents consciousness reason also the light represents the reality that was hidden from him. He sees what he previously thought of as shadows.
6. Seeing things outside the confines of the cave the escaped prisoner is portrayed as a philosopher who is able to gather the truth and wisdom to reject all falsehood. Outside of his senses, he is able to let go of the old and begin anew as a reformed man.
7. It almost like a pair of shackles and once he is free he is able to free his mind. By accepting the truth, he can see things for what they truly are and become enlightened. A sense of peace and happiness is the feelings I can discern since he must be happy that for one is out of the cave and know the world beyond the shadows.
8. Out of compassion, he decides to go back into the cave to tell his former fellow prisoners about the truth he has seen. However, when he goes back down into the dark it is difficult. Since he eyes have adjusted to the light. It can be said that since his eyes have seen the truth and he cannot go back to falsehood.
9. They ultimately reject what he is saying and plot to kill him, it is hard to accept a truth that different from the one you have known for a long time. If it is given too fast, one cannot be able to process it. It should be given slowly and in a form that does not make an individual feel

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