WCC Number(s) : COT-RT-011
Task Description : Sand removal using shovel
Area/Location : Condensate terminal
Auditors : Naim
Date of Audit : 10/02/2012
|Section 1 – Specification of Work |Yes |No |N/A |
|1.1 |Is the task description full and clear, including tag No., equipment & tools |X | | |
|Section 2 – Planning and Risk Assessment |Yes |No |N/A |
|2.1 |Have all the potential hazards and appropriate controls been identified |X | | | …show more content…
|2.2 |Was the correct level of risk assessment used?
|X | | |
|2.3 |Was the need for a written instruction procedure MSDS, manual handling and/or lifting assessment correctly |X | | |
| |identified? | | | |
|2.4 |Has a pre-job site visit been carried out by the Performing Authority (PA) and/or Area Authority |X | |
|Section 3 – Authorisation and Issue |Yes |No |N/A |
|3.1 |Have the correct authorisations been given for this WCC |X | | |
|3.2 |Have any required site Gas Tests been recorded for this WCC? | | |X |
|Section 4 – Job Execution (Worksite Audit) |Yes |No |N/A |
|4.1 |Is the activity at the worksite within the parameters specified above in 1.1 |X | | |
|4.2 |Has the PA held a pre-job toolbox talk with the Area Operator (AO) & work party |X | | |
|4.3 |Can the work party demonstrate an adequate level of awareness of the hazards associated with the task and |X | | |
| |required control measures? | | | |
|4.4 |If the work identified any further hazards and/or controls associated with the task, have they stopped the job | | |X |
| |and consulted with the AA to update the WCC | | | |
|4.5 |If any specific additional PPE has been identified on the WCC or MSDS is it in use and in good condition? |X | | |
|Section 5 – Cross Referenced Certificates |Yes |No |N/A |
|5.1 |Have any certificates, procedures, lift plans been properly referenced & complied with? |X | | |
|5.2 |Have any supporting method statements or procedures been reviewed prior to use and has this been recorded? |X | | |
|Findings, Action Taken or Action Required |Section No. |Name of Responsible Person |Agreed Action Date |
|(i.e. comments, SOC, E-Safe) | | |or Action Closed |
| | | |Date |
|No Finding | | | |
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