Question 1: How does Telerik attract high quality talent in a competitive market? Telerik is one of the famous software companies in Sofia, Bulgaria. It has known as a market leading provider of end to end solutions for application development, automated testing, agile project management, reporting and content management across all major Microsoft development platforms. Company head office was located in Sofia, Bulgaria where most of the software company developers were based. Telerik has still young but its development very impressive. After starting in 2002 with 5 peoples (4 co-founder and one another employee). The first one is Vassil Terziev who is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO). He is responsible for overseeing Telerik’s strategic direction and enabling its rapid growth as a global provider of enterprise-class software and services. The second one is Svetozar Georgiev co-founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who has been instrumental in establishing the Telerik brand and growing the marketing and financial organizations within the company. The next one is Boyko Iaramov who is co-founder and plays a role as Chief Operations Officer. Boyko is in charge of establishing, evaluating and managing Telerik’s internal organization processes and resources and ensuring that they support the core processes and functions of the company in the most efficient manner. The last one is Hristo Kosev co-founder and Chief Technology Officer who is responsible for the evolution of the technical organization at Telerik and its never-ending quest for innovation and new products that serve unaddressed market needs. Until mid-2011, the company had dramatically developed with 360 employees in Bulgaria with an additional 70 employees in Australia, the United State, the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. By the year 2012, Telerik was recognized as a
References: Human Resource Management Book. Open University Malaysia (OUM), March 2011, BMHR5103. Brewster, C.,Sparrow, P. R. & Vernon, G. (2007). International Human resource management (2nd ed). London: Chartered Institue of Personel and Development. Byars, L. L. & Rue, L. W. (2004). Human Resource Management. (8th ed). London: the McGraw Hill Irwin Dessler, G. (2005). Human resource management (10th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Pearson Prentice Hall. Jim Geier (2006). How to attract and retain great people: A seven step process. Mejia Gomez et al. (2007). Managing Human resource. Pearson International Edition (5th). Thomas S. Bateman & Scott A. Nell (2010). Management: Leading & Collaborating in a competitive world. New York, NY: the McGraw Hill Irwin Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees. Available at: Human resource management. Retrieved December 10, 2009 from