By: Gilbert C. Morong, DepED Budget Division
This system was developed using Microsoft Access. It runs on computers with Microsoft Office installed. This small application will help the implementing units, especially, those financial staffs assigned in the preparation of various reports as being required by the oversight agencies. It’s easy to monitor balances of allotments by program/project/activity.
The output data that can be generated by the system conformed with the requirements of all implementing units, region and central offices. Segregation by source of allotment and by object of expense are easier this time rather than creating many files linking to each other. Other data can be exported to Excel format in order to analyze, review and manipulate to fit for your needs.
Open the BMS MS ACCESS file, follow the steps below.
1. Select NO.
2. Select YES
3. Select OPEN.
1. Click Options…
2. Select Enable this content and Click Step 2
3. Select Macro Settings, then select Enable all macros then click OK at the bottom.
Budget Monitoring System – Microsoft Access
Click CLOSE button.
This is the main interface of the system.
Budget Monitoring System – Microsoft Access
Program/Project/Activity (PPA) and Allotment Releases Module
This is a module where users enter data for each PPA. Each PPA must have corresponding releases such as
Agency Budget Matrix (ABM) and Special Allotment Release Order (SARO). This also includes Sub-AROs issued by the
Central, Region and Division offices.
Budget Monitoring System – Microsoft Access
Filling up of data fields:
Place the cursor to the textbox or field to be filled up then Click Edit button (right topmost).
1. PPA Internal Code
2. PPA Number
unique code for each PPA (no duplication)
Example: PPA001, PPAOO2, PPA003 refers to PPA numbering or line item budget under GAA
Example: A.I.a.1.a.1 – General