Arif Onder ISIKMAN∗ , Loris Cazalon† , Feiquan Chen‡ , Peng Li§ Email: isikman@student.chalmers.se, † Email: loris.cazalon@telecom-bretagne.eu, ‡ Email: feiquan@student.chalmers.se, § Email: lpeng@student.chalmers.se Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96, Gothenburg, Sweden
Abstract—Recent technologies in electronics allow to build wireless sensor networks in on or around the human body. Body Area Networks (BAN, is also called Body Sensor Networks) is not only used in medical applications but also has non-medical applications areas such as entertainment, military. This paper reviews the main features of BAN. It also covers the requirements for BAN infrastructure by giving an example of an existing application. We propose a hybrid method to improve existing BAN infrastructure as we call Intelligent Body Sensor Networks (IBSN). We also introduce the new IEEE 802.15.6 standard and point the similarities and differences with existing standards. In addition, we show the numerical results for a lifetime optimized body sensor network requiring a transmission-free area. Our discussion states the trade-off between reliability vs security for such kind of BAN. Index Terms—body area networks, intelligent hybrid body sensor networks, IEEE 802.15.6, lifetime optimization
between the new standard and existing wireless communication standards. Section IV continues with simulation results of the lifetime maximized sensor network. Finally, Section V concludes our work. II. O NE APPLICATION OF BAN: MONITORING Body Area Networks (BAN) Technology has a lot of applications. The main applications are used in the medical domain but this technology will not be restricted only to the medical applications, non-medical applications are also predicted. Applications can be organized into three categories [2]: Healthcare sensor networks applications: BAN have been widely used at the medical healthcare field. It makes physiological monitoring of patient much