BSMT-II Group3
Body Fluids: Blood 1) State the composition of blood
2) State the function of red blood cells and plasma
3) Explain function of hemoglobin in the transport of oxygen
4) State the function of macrophages and lymphocytes
Vergara, Reychelle C. Engr. Pavia
BSMT- II Group3
Body Fluids: Urine 1) If you receive a laboratory report
showing the presence of high concentration of ketone bodies in the urine of a patient, which diseases would you suspect?
2) What are the five steps of urine formation?
3) Where formation of urine does takes place?
4) How many ml of urine do normal kidneys produce at night?
Vergara, Reychelle C. Engr. Pavia
BSMT-II Group3
1) Humans cannot digest wood; termites do so with the aid of bacteria in their digestive tract. Is there a basic difference in the digestive enzymes present in humans and termites?
2) What is the product of the reaction when alpa-amylase acts on amylase?
3) Does HCI in the stomach hydrolyze both the 1,4- an d1,6-glycosidic bonds?
4) Which nutrient provides energy in its most concentrated form?
5) What is the precursor of arachidonic acid in the body?
6) How many essential fatty acids and essential amino acid do humans need in their diets?
7) Do lipases degrade cholesterol or fatty acid?
8) What is the function of bile salts in digestion of fats?
9) Is it possible to get a sufficient supply of nutritionally adequate proteins by eating only vegetables?
10) Which one will be digested faster A. a raw egg or B. a hard-boiled egg? Explain.