Body image is a complicated aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individual's perceptions and feelings about their body and physical appearance (Tiggemann). Females of all ages seem to be particularly vulnerable to disturbance in this area; body dissatisfaction in women is a well-documented phenomenon in mental health literature. Researchers have called female's concerns with their physical appearance "normative discontent;" implying that body dissatisfaction affects almost all women at some level (Source 2). Females have been found to experience dissatisfaction with physical appearance at a much higher rate than males (2) and women of all ages and sizes display body image disturbance. It appears that body dissatisfaction is more closely
Body image is a complicated aspect of the self-concept that concerns an individual's perceptions and feelings about their body and physical appearance (Tiggemann). Females of all ages seem to be particularly vulnerable to disturbance in this area; body dissatisfaction in women is a well-documented phenomenon in mental health literature. Researchers have called female's concerns with their physical appearance "normative discontent;" implying that body dissatisfaction affects almost all women at some level (Source 2). Females have been found to experience dissatisfaction with physical appearance at a much higher rate than males (2) and women of all ages and sizes display body image disturbance. It appears that body dissatisfaction is more closely