
Body Language and Gestures

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Body Language and Gestures
Aarti Takawane


• only as less as 15% is expressed with words, more than 50% is expressed through your body
•Sense organs in play
• Left and right brain
•Subconscious signals


• Feelings, attitudes & emotions- more than body
• Sarcastic comments/ sincere
• Eyes- lying
• Establish bond
• Involve


Eyes - upward to the right (their left).
Trying to recall memories.

Eyes - upwards to the left (their right).
Creating visual images (we think in pictures).

A hand over the mouth whilst talking indicates deceit.
A desire to try and stop the words coming out of the mouth.

Indicate critical analysis.

Is an evaluation signal.
Generally a positive evaluation.
It's a time for thought process.
Women - bottom of the chin

Is an evaluation gesture.
It is generally a positive evaluation of your ideas, suggestions, information or requests.

She may feel comfortable.
She may look cool.
Careful, You have a very negative signal, even if she is smiling.

The lowered stapling of the hands indicates listening, and can also be a negative confidence gesture.

The scratch to the back of the neck indicates uncertainty.

It can mean nervousness or deceit.
It can mean a desire to shut out the words they are hearing, or the words aren't 'going in'. they've heard enough.

Hot under the collar!
People touch their face 10 times more than normal when they feel uncomfortable. When you lie, you feel a tingling sensation around your face and neck, and feel you need to touch or relieve the area.

Hand clasping at a desk or in a chair on its own may indicate nervousness, insecurity or anxiety. The more tightly clasped they are, the more the anxiety.

Clasped hands in front of the body are a barrier signal, seeking reassurance.

The higher the hands are , the more confident the feeling.

Here's the mother of all confidence

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