Follow Up:
Issue at Hand:
Claim/thesis: in the puritan life they always follow the bible to help them with their culture
Body Paragraph ( CEA RST) Method
CLAIM - position The Puritan values affected us in a positive way because the bible is a map plan out for your life because if you do something wrong you can go to the bible and correct your mistakes by asking for forgiveness.
EVIDENCE- Data: For example, when something goes wrong in someone's life, people tend to go to church, read the bible, or pray.
ANALYSIS - Warrant is explanation & analysis: I believe that the bible gives you knowledge and advice to help you with life
COUNTERCLAIM - OPPOSING POSITIOn: Others may say that this is wrong because no …show more content…
EVIDENCE- Data: For the Puritans in both old England and new, there was no sacred/secular divide. If they worked as blacksmiths, the calling was to blacksmith to the glory of God. If they farmed, they sowed and reaped in dependence upon God. The Puritans knew vividly that God is omnipresent, that there is not one square inch in all creation where he is not present or where he is not interested in radiating forth his glory. Hard work was for the Puritans a central part of Christian living, and what we call the Protestant work ethic is a gift passed down from them.
ANALYSIS - Warrant is explanation & analysis: I believe that the reason why puritans treated their families as a little church is because everything at home was religious, all they thought about was god and saints.
COUNTERCLAIM - OPPOSING POSITION: Puritans believe that everything must be done by the bible and you should only worship god so you should could go to heaven
REBUTTAL - more evidence and analysis All puritans believed that if you followed what the bible said , that means you’re a good person and god will take you to