2. Frontal planes, like sagittal planes, lie vertically. Frontal planes, however, divide the body into anterior and posterior parts. A frontal plane is also called a coronal plane.
3. Transverse or horizontal, plane runs horizontally from right to left, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts. Many different planes exist, at level from head to foot. It is also called cross section.
4. Oblique sections are cuts made diagonally between horizontal and …show more content…
- The part of the membrane lining cavity walls is called parietal serosa. It folds in on itself to form the visceral serosa, covering the organs in the cavity.
- In the body, the serous membranes are separated not by air but by a thin layer of lubricating fluid, called serous fluid, which is secreted by both membranes.
13) Name the 4 quandrants or 9 regions of the abdominopelvic cavity and list the organs they contain. - Four Quandrants: Right Upper Quandrant (RUQ), Left Upper Quandrant (LUQ), Right Lower Quandrant (RLQ), Left Lower Quandrant (LLQ). - Nine Regions:
- Umbilical region is centermost region deep to and surrounding the umbilicus (navel).
- Epigastric region is located superior to umbilical region.
- Hypogastric (pubic) region is located inferior to the umbilical region.
- Right and left illiac, or inguinal, regions are located lateral to the hypogastric region.
- Right and left lumbar regions lie lateral to umbilical region. - Right and left hypochondriac regions lie lateral to the epigastric region and deep to the