
Boethius Response To The Problem Of Evil

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Boethius Response To The Problem Of Evil
First and foremost I'm very sorry for your loss but it's my understanding that you have recovered from your loss and you are beginning to question if the problem of evil in today's world contradicts the traditional idea of God. It has be known that the most weighty of the arguments against God's existence is of course the problem of evil. This argument has been known to draw attention and the most diverse response from some Christians along with other religions for years. There are several different responses to the problem of evil and none of them are entirely satisfactory alone, but together they do cast doubt on whether the existence of evil disproves the claim that God exists. I am very familiar with the standard problem of evil …show more content…
Boethius proposed the problem of divine foreknowledge as a subject for further philosophical discussion. He stated that humans don’t have free will and that, if God is omniscient then he already knows all of our choices, past, present and future. This concept would suggest that humans do not have a choice in their action's, which leads some philosophers and even people like yourself to believe that our future has definitely been predetermined; that is with free will. Boethius debated with himself whether or not people have free will at all. However, with some pretty in depth explaining from Lady Philosophy, Boethius eventually came to his own realization that God definitely gives us free will. In his “Consolation of Philosophy,” Boethius presented his views on free will in the form of a dialogue between himself and Lady Philosophy:
Lady Philosophy argued it in the following way: If you are a rational being, then, by nature, you are able to make decisions.[2] Suppose you are thinking of the proposition X. Being a rational animal, in order to decipher the truth-value of proposition X, you must be able to deliberate about the evidence in support or against the proposition, and then you must arrive at a conclusion about that decision. You must be able to have the ability to make “judgments” and decisions about the
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From a Biblical standpoint the Bible says in Joshua 24:15, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord choose ye this day whom ye will serve..." In my opinion Jenny, that verse alone very clearly tells you that we indeed have free will-- meaning God is allowing us to decide/choose what we want to do. People choose to do evil, which is why it exists in today's world. As Augustine stated, God created a perfect world within which Adam and Eve had free will. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve chose to turn against God and sinned and which came with a consequence-- It brought about the corruption of human nature, so that every subsequent generation inherits their sin. We have brought this suffering/evil upon ourselves through our own sin. Yes, God who is all-knowing and perfectly good could have prevented our suffering, but only by denying us freewill, which is a greater good. The greatest evils in the world are those inflicted by man upon man. Upon creating the world, God could've easily created us as robots, without the ability to make choices of our own. But, that's not what God wanted. God wants us to choose whether or not we want to do right and serve him. He wanted us to have the choice to love because love without a choice wouldn’t really be love. God gave us free will so that we could choose whether or not we want a relationship with Him. A robot can be programmed to obey, but it

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