I bet you can guess it - it´s one of those nights…
After a couple of hours I have given up the idea of sleep. Well, now I am sitting with a cup of coffee in front of my laptop and writing this blog entry. Why I can´t sleep you ask? Let me tell you why…
Lately I´ve been thinking a lot about my future.
But at first let me start at the beginning…
After secondary modern school I wanted to go to “Borg Ternitz”. “Borg Ternitz” is a grammar school with focus on art, music, dance and acting. My first thoughts were: Hey, I love acting and drawing! And I probably can dig dancing. Unfortunately my math grads weren´t that good and I had to take a math test. I failed and instead of the “Borg Ternitz” I went to the “Poly Ternitz”. In this year …show more content…
He has a well payed job, he is financially stable AND he has a girlfriend. I even assume that it won´t take any longer until I am an aunt.
Jesus… I don´t get it how he does this. From my point of view I never want children. I am already overwhelmed with myself- how should I educate a child. I don´t think I can do this. But this is in the far far future.
At first it would be enough if I survive school. If I pass the “matura” I want to make a gap year. Eventually in Canada where I can improve my English knowledge. I, for myself believe that I´ll need this year cause I don´t know if I want to work or study something at a university. Additionally a gap year has a lot of benefits like you learn to be independent, you are refreshed and and and…
In my opinion a gap year is a super chance to orientate yourself.
Now my mug of coffee is empty and in a view minutes my alarm clock will “wake” me up.
A look into the mirror tells me that I look like a Zombie but I kinda feel relieved.
What about you? Do you know what you want to do after school/ or do you already have a job?
Let me know it in the comments! Stay safe and we read each other again until the next sleepless