The audience had a mixed group of people. Even though I did not see anyone under that age of 17, I heard a laugh that was sounding like it came from a 10-year-old child. The age range of the audience was about 18-65. I saw about 3 older couples over 60 years old attend the play. Most people were between the ages of 18 and 30. Audience members dressed in casual clothing like jeans and a t-shirt. During the play, the most audience approval I heard was …show more content…
The news desk helped the audience experience the living newspaper production of the play. If there would have been a regular table or school desk then the news image would not have been in the minds of the audience. The lighting designer did a good job at lighting spots to give them importance. For example, when Brody came on stage with the water jug, the spotlight was only aimed at him. Susan Eyler, the costume director made appropriate costumes that added the spectacle to the play. Her interpretation of Donald Trump was my favorite costume because of the yellow wig, slightly baggy suit, and red tie was perfect. If the character’s name would not have been announced, the audience would have already known it was Donald Trump. The actress also did a great way of interpreting him with his hand motions and facial expressions. I also liked a television in the play. It was the first time I saw I play that used a television on the set. It showed audience members videos that went along with the idea of the