I feel the book is geared more towards women reclaiming their cultural and spiritual power. Chapter Four, "Women-Out of the Cave, Into the Desert," discusses this issue, including the modern problems facing women and some solutions. Today, women struggle to rediscover and reconcile their new societal roles with their feminine identity. In the book, Kolbenschlag uses Dorothy of the "Wizard of Oz" as the feminine model that must confront the psychological challenges along her path in order to reintegrate her true feminine self. (p.20) Women are orphaned in so many ways by our society, but through realizing certain truths can we befriend the orphan within us.
Previously, Kolbenschlag felt that there were only two levels of feminine consciousness: those asleep and those who were awaking. (p.78) However, in today's society distinguishing these levels have become more complex. Through her "liberation index," she identifies the five levels of feminine awareness of modern times, which are innocence, denial, escape,