The PAWs are individuals that accumulated or save money better and are more prudent. Same as previous category PAWs are children of PAWs, “adult children are demonstrating more independence and discipline, in part because they have been exposed to a much more frugal, well-planned, and disciplined lifestyle.” (89)The PAWs also spend less of what they make. “PAWs allocate nearly twice the number of hours per month to planning their financial investments as UAWs do.” (71) To be discipline and taking the time planning our investments most of the times will lead us to get a better financial profits. In One for the Money Guide to Family Finance by Elder Marvin J. Ashton, we found “Money management skills should be learned together in a spirit of cooperation and love on a continuing …show more content…
Mrs. Rule, for instance, visualizes all her grandchildren graduating from college” (46) Set goals will help people to determine where they want to be in the future. Setting goals is not just directed to wealthy people is directed to every human being. In Setting Goals and Managing Time, The Gospel and the Productive Life Teacher Manual Religion 150 (2004) suggest the following:
• Setting worthwhile goals gives direction to our