Period: Quarter 2 Book Assessment
1. (1 point) Name of book: Into The Wild Author of book: John Krakauer
Year of publication: 1996 Publishing company: First Anchor Books Edition
Would you recommend this book to a friend? (Circle one) Yes No
2. (2 points) The major conflict in this book is man vs. nature because Chris thought he could outsmart nature but realized how hard it is to survive.
3. (2 points)
4. (2 points) What I learned about life or other humans from this book is that we are emotionally unstable. Chris found out about his father having a second family without telling him while he was on a road trip when he graduated high school. Chris become furious and began to try to build a new life (Page 21). He decides after he graduates from Emory, his college, he would escape them all. He donated all his money to charity and toke a car and some supplies and drove off. Not once did he contact his parents or sister because of how overwhelmed he was. While traveling he disowns his name on the way, not wanting to be recognized. Chris did all this because of secrets that his parents kept from him, which overall led him to this emotional state of needing to escape their lies. What I learned about life or other humans from this book is that we cannot underestimate nature, or we will be physically consumed by it. When Chris came back to the abandoned bus on July 8th, the book begins to describe how Chris is slowly dying (Page 188). He is physically weak from his journey; he is on the verge of starvation and death. Due to his surroundings in Alaska all he could eat was squirrels, berries, and plants. When encountered with a bear he decides to not kill it and instead