Ms. Salah
English 2B P.3
21 April 2016
Book Love Book Club - Surviving The Extremes
“Even without rainfall, humans can traverse the driest of deserts in they can find water hidden below the surface. Oceans also have oases of freshwater-small, mobile collections of drinkable fluid found within the body cavities of fish, turtles, and birds. Sea life can provide at least some water if you know where to look. The blood of freshly killed turtles and birds can be drunk like gravy in the minute or so before it coagulates. An average turtles will yield about 4 cups, if collected under the neck the artery is severed. Turtle meat and fish fillets also have moisture in them, and it can be extracted before drying by wrapping the pieces …show more content…
The book educates you on how survive yet has a little bit of a storyline. The passage reflects how the author writes pretty much throughout the whole novel, also it has a good use of language and rhetorical …show more content…
To be quite honest I just thought the book was just okay, because it does not have much of a storyline even though their were short stories in every chapter. Sometimes the book did make me want to fall asleep because some of the chapters were very boring and some were exciting. I do connect with the character of the novel Surviving The Extremes because he was just a regular doctor working in a hospital and decided he was done working in a hospital and wanted to go explore like I would like to do. My favorite part of the book is probably the High Seas story because it is about sailing, which I love to do. The downside to that chapter is that the boat capsizes and the people have to get in a life raft which is small and cramped. I would recommend this book to a classmate even though I think it is just okay because it's an adventurous-action book which a lot of people like. An action, adventurer, and survivalist type reader would like this novel because it talks about how multiple people have survived in harsh environments around the