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The changes in the movie are deeply flamboyant. One of the biggest changes is the main event for the cause of the Salem Trials. In the movie, the audience sees the girls running to the woods very surreptitiously, practicing witchcraft, in the play it was mentioned through dialogue in Act 1. In addition to changes, in the play Reverend Hale states that he signed 72 death warrants, but in the movie he signed 17 death warrants. There was only one deletion that I saw that was very noticeable. In the play when John Proctor was accused, he snached his warrant out of his wife Elizabeth's hand, but in the play he never showed any anger towards Elizabeth. Further…
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In the play when Betty finally wakes and calls for her mother, Abigail says that she is dead but seems calm and nice when she says it, but in the movie Abby tells Betty that her mother is “dead and buried” by yelling at her slapping her when betty yells back. This shows us how cruel Abby is really supposed to be. Another difference from the characters is that all of the girls gang up on Mary Warren in a separate room and then come to accuse her after while in the play they just start to accuse her during court. These differences allow us to see the true natures of the Characters in the play than just reading and misinterpreting how they are supposed to be when they say certain…
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Recently, we watched the first 30 to 40 minutes of the Disney classic, the Lion King. However, it was revealed by our substitute that The Lion King may actually be inspired by an infamous Shakespeare play. After doing some quick digging online, the Shakespeare play in question was revealed to be Hamlet. And after doing some more digging, the differences are hard to ignore.…
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There are both many similarities and differences when comparing and contrasting Shakespeare's play Hamlet versus Franco Zefferelli's film version. The most obvious difference between the two is that they are different mediums, one is written and one is visual. People can have varied perceptions from what you thought the appearances and mannerisms of the characters to be while reading the text then when you see them on the screen. Hamlet appeared to be much older in the film than Ophelia, who looked about the age she was intended to be in the play. Gertrude is perceived to be mature and calm in the play, while in the film she is giddy and acts like a young girl. While the play and film are similar in that the movie uses the original old English…
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Many people do not know this, but various Disney movies are based on ancient tales. For example, the movie Lion King contains many of the same aspects and occurrences as Shakespeare's Hamlet, but their stories are not exactly the same. The families in Hamlet and Lion King are both royalty , both kings are murdered by their brother, but these two stories have different endings.…
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Two completely different kingdoms about two completely different types of species can be more in common than someone would think. Character is a suicidal, depressed Prince of Denmark and the other a singing, animated young prince of the jungle. How does William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet relate to the Disney movie, The Lion King? Although Simba, the main character in The Lion King has an ending that is more compatible with its juvenile audience, and Hamlet’s ending was literally deadly. They both have to go head to head with their evil uncles and they must overcome moral conflict within themselves. Simba and Hamlet have their obvious difference but also share more unique traits in their stories than some would think.…
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| This is where the ghost is first seen by Horatio, Marcellus and Barnardo, representing that the King’s spirit is still alive as he is not yet at peace. I feel sympathetic for Hamlet as in the next scene everyone is mourning over the King’s death and Hamlet is devastated by the events of his father.…
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when he says this it means from the start know of the book it is not going to be good. In the film the first scene is everybody at king Hamlet’s funeral which the film added in this shows from the start that something is wrong with denmark cause we see the dead king instead of seeing a ghost we do not know who it is.The funeral was talked about in the book but no actual scene where they are at his funeral, the movie also takes out Fortinbras because we only see or here about him three times so the director sees no point in adding him,in the book Fortinbras becomes a major character by the ending but to be put in the book only twice seems pointless to include…
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However, a mutiny within the kingdom lead to the death of King Hamlet Sr, and his son takes on the duty of bringing the murderer to justice. By a senseless and uncontrolled act of anger. Hamlet slays Polonius. His friend Laertes returns from college as his foe in order to avenge his own father.…
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are the same, but one of them has a good happy ending while the other one doesn’t.…
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Hamlet loved his father, King Hamlet, and it was his death that broke young Hamlet's heart. It is the love he had for his father that brought him to his doom. After King Hamlet's death he appeared as a ghost moving through the castle at one o'clock every morning. When the guards and Horatio, Hamlet's best friend, noticed this ghostly figure, Horatio quite intelligently believed that he could get the ghost to speak with Hamlet. The next day the two guards, Horatio, and young Hamlet were present to speak to the ghost of King Hamlet. The ghost told Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius, his brother, who had been sworn in as the new king and married his wife, Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. After hearing this, young Hamlet was asked to avenge his father’s death, but in doing so his mother was to remain unharmed. Hamlet, being the loving and devoted son he was, and unable to accept Claudius as the leader to replace his father, accepted King Hamlet’s request. After this encounter, young Hamlet refused to tell the guardsman and Horatio what happened but made it known that he would act like a…
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Throughout the world moral and spiritual corruption is found everywhere. Many fall victim to it but some use it as a learning experience. Both Aldous Huxley and William Shakespeare display the affect corruption has on societies through Brave New World and Hamlet. The want to be welcomed by others around drives characters towards decisions they would not make otherwise. Both authors, to show a lack of care and affection to those who need it incorporate pain and suffering. Spiritual corruption is displayed through Hamlet and John because both men struggle with their inner thoughts. In both pieces of literature, love is an instinct that is taken away by the views of society. Although both Huxley and Shakespeare show causes and effects…
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William Shakespeare's Hamlet has been remade a number of times in film and in plays. I recently watched two movies of Hamlet directed by different people. The directors add little things to make it their own interpretation of the play Hamlet. Some directors like to emphasize different scenes for instance. The Hamlet movies that I watched were one directed by Kenneth Branagh, and one by Franco Zeffirelli. The directors in each of these had their own way of telling the story of Hamlet.…
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Hamlet and the movie Lion King have many similarities. They are composed of the same storyline and have many of the same symbolisms. They both are about a royal family and the betrayal of the King's death by their brother. It also holds in common the son and how he seeks revenge upon his father’s death. In comparing Hamlet and Lion King there are many differences too. One big difference is the son does not die in Lion King. Hamlet and the Lion King are great tragedies that forever will be known.…
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“Films are subjective - I want to feel that the people who made that film think it's the best movie in the world. Whether or not I agree with what they've done, I want that effort there - I want that sincerity.” - Christopher Nolan. Franco Zeffirelli 1990s Hamlet is far from identical to Shakespeare's play, but it’s an interpretation that works. Having read Hamlet before watching the film I question some of Zeffirelli’s changes but I can understand why. One major change Zeffirelli makes to the original text is that he adds the Oedipus Complex I believe Zeffirelli made this change because he wanted a more of a relationship for Hamlet other than Ophelia, it adds more tension between Claudius and Hamlet, and last added more to Gertrude's character.…
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