Many great lessons about how God takes care of his people are found in the book of Exodus. In the book of Exodus we learn about the 10 plauges and about how Pharoah finally let the People go. We learn about God performing the great miracle when he Parted the Red Sea, and lead the people out of Egypt, freeing them from slavery.
Do you remember what you learned last week?
We learned about God giving his people water from the rock.
We should always rememeber the good things God has done for us. It's very sad when we forget. It's sad because God, our father who loves us so much is always there for us, so when we need him, all we have to do is remember what he's done already for us, and pray to him with confidence. …show more content…
The Amalikites were a strong race of people who made money by ganging up on other people and stealing and killing. They saw the isrealites and thought this was the perfect time to attack. But they didn't know who they were messing with. They didn't know that these people had the one true God on their side.
You guys know the story of David and Golith? Well, the same way golidth was a towering Giant over David, The Amileks were a towering Giatnt over the isrealites. The Isrealites weren't trained fighters at this time, they were just recently slaves, so they should have been no match for this warrior nation of the Amelikites, but when You have God on your side, anything is possible.
Moses told Joshua to "Pick some men to go with you to fight Amalek." Moses also told Joshua that he would go to the top of the hill and have the 'rod of God' in his hand.
Joshua and the men went to fight, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the hill to watch.
(?I had a student sit in a chair and try to hold up his arms, then had 2 other students help hold up his arms.) Moses held up his hand, but when Moses let his hand fall down because it was tired, Joshua and his people started to lose. Moses put up his hand, they were winning... Moses put down his hand, they started to lose the battle against the