Putting a date on the book of Hebrews is difficult since there is no known audience or author. However, the early church father Clement quoted from the Book of Hebrews in A.D. 95. However, internal evidence such as the fact that Timothy was alive at the time the epistle was written and the absence of any evidence showing the end of the Old Testament sacrificial system that occurred with Jerusalem's destruction in A.D. 70 indicates the book was written around A.D. 65.
The book of Hebrews doesn't clearly identify its audience by name, city or region. In general terms, we can be confident that the author wrote to a specific audience with whom he was personally familiar. In 13:19-24, the author assured …show more content…
The old sacrificial system was job security for the priests because the sacrifices never took away sins because “it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” (Heb 10:4), they only covered them and they would have to be repeated day after day after day (Heb 10:11), which explains why there was no chair in the temple. The priest’s work was never finished. The author of Hebrews wanted to keep the Jewish Christians from slipping back into the old sacrificial system as some had obviously done. They had to realize that Jesus died once and for all and no more sacrifice is needed since Christ was “offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God” (Heb